David Zureick-Brown's schedule of upcoming and past talks & events
- 2026
- (July 23-30) 2026 ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians), (Philadephia, PA)
- (March 23-27) Organizing American Institute of mathematics AIM workshop on Arithmetic Statistics
- 2025
- (July 28-Aug 1) 2025 Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry (Ft. Collins, Co)
- (June 23-27) Organizing Algebraic points on curves at ICERM (Providence, RI)
- (May 3) Speaking at the JHU–UMD Algebra and Number Theory Day (Baltimore, MD)
- (April 5-6) AMS sectional meeting (Hartford, CT)
- (March 17-20) The Legacy of John Tate, and Beyond at Harvard (Cambridge, MA)
- (March 8-12) Arizona Winter School on p-adic groups (Tucson, AZ)
- (Jan 15-16) Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting (NY, NY)
- 2024
- (Dec 19) Online talk at Number Theory Web
- (Nov 11-15) American Institute of mathematics AIM workshop on Nilpotent Counting Problems in Arithmetic Statistics
- (Nov 4) Seminar talk at Brown Algebra and Geometry Seminar (Providence, RI)
- (July 15-19) Sixteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS XVI) @MIT (Boston, MA)
- (July 8-12) The Mordell conjecture 100 years later @MIT (Boston, MA)
- (June 14-16) Speaking at CTNT 2024 (Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory) at UCONN (Hartford, CT)
- (June 23-28) Math visitor
- (April 15) Colloquium talk at Colby College (Waterville, MN)
- (April 12) Seminar talk at Valley Geometry Seminar @UMASS (Amherst, MA)
- (March 29) Seminar talk at Wesleyan, (Middletown, CT)
- (March 18-22) American Institute of mathematics AIM workshop on degree d points on algebraic surfaces (Pasadena, CA)
- (March 2-6) Arizona Winter School on Abelian Varieties (Tucson, AZ)
- (Feb 21-13) Out of town (undisclosed location)
- (Jan 11-12) Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting (NY, NY)
- (January 3-6) Joint Mathematics Meetings, (San Francisco, CA)
- (Jan 4) AMS Special Session on Explicit Computation with Stacks (a Mathematics Research Communities session)
- (Jan 5-6) Speaking at AMS Special Session on Arithmetic geometry with a view toward computation
- 2023
- (Nov 14) Speak at Dartmouth Algebra and Number Theory Seminar (Hanover, NH)
- (Sept 30-Oct 1) Maine-Quebec Number Theory Conference (University of Maine, Orono, MN)
- (Sept 27) Colloquium talk at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadephia, PA)
- (June 4-10) AMS Mathematical Research Communities: Explicit Computations with Stacks (Java Center, NY)
- (Apr 17 - Apr 21) Degeneracy of algebraic points
- (March 4-8) Arizona Winter School on Unlikely Intersections (Tucson, AZ)
- (Feb 6 - Feb 10) Introductory Workshop: Diophantine Geometry
- (Jan 31) Colloquium talk at the University of Toronto (Toronto, CA)
- (Jan 26) Colloquium talk at Amherst College (Amherst, MA)
- (Jan 11-12) Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting (NY, NY)
- (January 4-7) Joint Mathematics Meetings, Speaking at special session on "Arithmetic Statistics" (Boston, MA)
- 2022
- (August 28-September 3) Simons Symposium on Arithmetic Statistics (Krun, Germany)
- (April 30-May 1) Anabelian Days Down In Georgia (ADDING)
- (April 1-3) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium @ Emory (Atlanta, GA)
- (Jan 13-14, cancelled) Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting (NY, NY)
- (March 5-9) Arizona Winter School (Tucson, AZ)
- 2021
- (June 14-18) RTG workshop (Berkeley, CA; Online)
- (May 10-12) Rational Points and Galois Representations (Pittsburgh, PA; Online)
- (March 25) Colloquium talk at The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
- (Feb 8, online) Speaking at the Stanford Number Theory Seminar (Palo Alto, CA)
- 2020
- (December, Virtual) Organizing the PAlmetto Joint Arithmetic, Modularity, and Analysis Series, 2
- (Sept 26) Speaking at Moduli Conference (Madison, WI)
- (September 8-9, Virtual) Organizing the PAlmetto Joint Arithmetic, Modularity, and Analysis Series
- (June 20, Virtual) Speaking at Chicago Number Theory Day (Chicago, IL)
- (June 1-5, Virtual) ICERM workshop on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation (leading a project group) (Providence, RI)
- (April 17-19 POSTPONED) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium @ Emory (Atlanta, GA)
- (May 11 CANCELLED) Emory's Commencement
- (May 3-9 POSTPONED) Simons Symposium on Arithmetic Statistics (Krun, Germany)
- (Apr 9 POSTPONED) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @Emory
- (Apr 3-5 POSTPONED) Speaking @ South Eastern Regional Meeting On Numbers (SERMON)
- (Mar 7-11) Arizona Winter School on Non-abelian Chabauty (Tucson, AZ)
- (Mar 3) Speaking at VaNTAGe.
- 2019
- (Nov 1-3) MAAIM (Modular Forms, Arithmetic, and Women in Mathematics),
- (Aug 28) Speaking at the Berkeley Number Theory Seminar (Berkeley, CA)
- (July 14-20) Rational Points 2019 (Germany)
- (June 4) Seminar talk at Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2 (Aubiere, France)
- (May-July) Reinventing rational points (trimester program at Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France), including:
- (May 20-24) Rational points on Fano and similar varieties
- (June 24-28) Speaking at: Rational points on irrational varieties
- See also this link
- (May 6-10) Number Theory Seminar talk at University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, WI)
- (Mar 30-31) GATTACA at Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA)
- (Mar 22-24) Speaking at AMS Special Session on ``Algebraic Points'' (Honolulu, HI)
- (Mar 2-6) Arizona Winter School
- (Feb 21) Colloquium talk at the University of Miami (Miami, FL)
- (Feb 6) Seminar talk at the University of Georgia (Athens, GA)
- (16-19 Jan) Joint Mathematics Meetings (Baltimore, MD)
- (18 Jan) Speaking at special session on "Arithmetic Statistics".
- (19 Jan) Speaking at special session on "Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, and Computation".
- (10-11 Jan) Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation Annual Meeting (NY, NY)
- 2018
- (8-9 Dec) PANTS XXXI (Columbia, SC)
- (19 Nov) Seminar talk at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
- (28-31 Oct) Visiting Melanie Matchett Wood (Princeton, NJ)
- (7-12 Oct) Visiting MIT (Boston, MA)
- (13-16 Sept) PANTS XXX (Wake Forest, NC)
- (14 Sept) Colloquium at Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC )
- (22-28 July) Explicit Methods in Number Theory (Oberwolfach, Germany)
- (9-13 July) Berkovich spaces, 30 years (Paris, France)
- (2-6 July) Rational Points on Schiermonnikoog (Schiermonnikoog, Netherlands).
- (25-29 June) Torsion and Galois representations of elliptic curves (Zabreb, Croatia).
- (4-8 June) Barry Mazur's 80th birthday conference (Boston, MA)
- (27 May - 1 June) BIRS Workshop on "Rational and Integral Points via Analytic and Geometric Methods" (Oaxaca, Mexico)
- (5-7 April) Speaking at the University of Arkansas 43rd annual Spring Lecture Series, "Old and New Themes in p-adic cohomology" (Fayetteville, AR)
- (Mar 29) Seminar Talk at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD)
- (Mar 12-16) Emory's spring break
- (Mar 3-7) Arizona Winter School on Iwasawa theory (Tucson, AZ)
- (20 Feb) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @UGA
- (Feb 13) Seminar Talk at Colorado State University (Ft. Collins, CO)
- (Feb 12) Colloquium at Colorado State University (Ft. Collins, CO)
- (Jan 30) Seminar Talk at Rice University (Houston, TX)
- (10-13 Jan) Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, (San Diego, CA)
- Speaking at special session on "Accessible Problems in Modern Number Theory".
- 2017
- (17 Nov) Colloquium at Portland State (Portland, OR)
- (21 Oct) Speaking at the Fall 2017 Southern California Number Theory Day (Irvine, CA)
- (1-6 Oct) BIRS Workshop on "p-adic Cohomology and Arithmetic Applications" (Alberta, Canada)
- (29 Sept - 1 Oct) BIRS Workshop on "Open Source Computation and Algebraic Surfaces" (Alberta, Canada)
- (7 Sept) Seminar talk at University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, Wi)
- (29 Aug) Seminar talk at University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
- (25 Sept) Speaking at the Stanford Number Theory Seminar (Palo Alto, CA)
- (Fall 2017) Sabbatical! Mostly in Madison, WI.
- (June - July) Emory's REU, (Atlanta, GA)
- (28 May - 2 June) BIRS Workshop on "Arithmetic Aspects of Explicit Moduli Problems" (Alberta, Canada)
- (22-26 May) Emory Summer Research Institute in Arithmetic Geometry (Atlanta, GA)
- (15-19 May) ECHORaP (Emory Conference on Higher Obstructions to Rational Points) (Atlanta, GA)
- (31 Mar - 2 Apr) South Eastern Regional Meeting On Numbers XXX (SERMON)
- (23 Mar) Colloquium at Reed (Portland, OR)
- (22 Mar) Seminar talk at the University of Rochester (Rochester, NY)
- (11-16 Mar) Arizona Winter School on "Perfectoid Spaces" (Tucson, AZ)
- (3-5 Mar) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium @ UGA (Athens, GA)
- (24 Feb) Colloquium at Tufts University (Boston, MA)
- (17-19 Feb) Speaking at "Lectures in Arithmetic Geometry at Rice", (Houston TX)
- (24 Jan) Speaking at the Berkeley Number Theory Seminar (Berkeley, CA)
- (4-7 January) Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta, (Atlanta, GA)
- Speaking at special session on "Minimal integral models of algebraic curves".
- 2016
- (Dec 3-4) PANTS XXVII [not attending] (Columbia, SC).
- (16 Nov) Seminar talk at the University of Miami (Miami, FL)
- (26-28 Oct) NSF Panel (Arlington, VA)
- (19 Oct) Seminar talk at the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY)
- (18 Oct) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @UGA
- (Sept 17-18) [update: not attending] PANTS XXVI (Greensboro, SC).
- (10-11 Sept) Speaking at "Kummer Classes and Anabelian Geometry", (Burlington VT)
- (Aug 8-12) Visiting UW-Madison (Madison, WI).
- (June 6- July 15) Emory's REU, (Atlanta, GA)
- (1-3 Apr) Speaking at South Eastern Regional Meeting On Numbers XXIX (SERMON)
- (14-16 Jan) Attending A Workshop on the Proof of Rota's Conjecture at Georgia (Atlanta, GA)
- (5-6 Mar) Speaking at AMS Special Session on ``Elliptic Curves'' (Athens, GA)
- (11-16 Mar) Arizona Winter School on "Analytic Methods in Arithmetic Geometry" (Tucson, AZ)
- (Jan 29) Colloquium and seminar talk at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN)
- 2015
- (5-6 Dec) PANTS XXV (Clemson, SC).
- (Nov 11-20) Visiting Eric Katz (Waterloo, CA)
- (Nov 10) Number Theory Seminar talk at the University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
- (Nov 9) Colloquium at the University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
- (23-25 Oct) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium @ Emory (Atlanta, GA)
- (Sept 25) Speaking at the UW-Madison geometry seminar (Madison, WI).
- (Sept 17) Speaking at the UW-Madison Number Theory seminar (Madison, WI).
- (Sept 12-13) PANTS @ Emory (Atlanta, GA).
- (Sept) Visiting UW-Madison (Madison, WI).
- (Aug 17-21) AIM workshop on Degenerations in Algebraic Geometry (Palo Alto, CA)
- (12-31 July) AMS Algebraic Geometry Summer Research Institute (University of Utah)
- (June 8- July 17) Emory's REU (Atlanta, GA)
- (26-30 May) Speaking at the Coleman Memorial Conference at MSRI (Berkeley, CA)
- (17-22 May) Visiting Chris Hall at the IAS (Princeton, NJ)
- (7-13 May) Speaking at the University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- (30 Apr - 3 May) Speaking at the Cornell Number Theory Seminar (Ithaca, NY)
- (28 Apr) Speaking at the UIC Number Theory Seminar (Chicago, IL)
- (13 Apr) Speaking at the Stanford Number Theory Seminar (Palo Alto, CA)
- (9 Apr) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @UGA (Atlanta, GA)
- (2-4 Apr) Speaking at the Duke Number Theory Seminar (Durham, NC)
- (28-29 Mar) Speaking at SERMON at Winthrop University (Rock Hill, SC)
- (23 Mar) Math club talk at Georgia State (Atlanta, GA)
- (13-18 Mar) Arizona Winter School on Arithmetic and Higher-Dimensional Varieties (Tucson, AZ)
- (10 Mar) Colloquium at the University of Colorado-Boulder (Boulder, CO)
- (20 Feb) Colloquium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)
- 2014
- (6-7 Dec) PANTS (Columbia, SC).
- (26-28 Nov) Thanksgiving break.
- (8-9 Nov) AMS Special Sessions on ``Automorphic forms and related topics'' and "Connections in Number Theory" (Greensboro, NC)
- (4 Nov) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @GaTech (Atlanta, GA)
- (25-26 Oct) AMS Special Session on ``Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry'' (San Francisco, CA)
- (18-19 Oct) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium at UGA (Athens, GA)
- (13-14 Oct) Fall break.
- (26 Sept) Speak at UVA (Charlottesville, VA)
- (6-7 Sept) PANTS (Orangeburg, SC).
- (9 June - 18 July) Emory's REU (Atlanta, GA)
- (12-16 May) AIM workshop on Rational Points (Palo Alto, CA)
- (5-6 April) AMS special session on "Arithmetic and Differential Algebraic Geometry" (Albuquerque, NM)
- (30 March - 4 April) BIRS Workshop on "Specialization of Linear Series for Algebraic and Tropical Curves" (Alberta, Canada)
- (21-23 March) AMS special session on "Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves" (Knoxville, TN)
- (15-19 March) Arizona Winter School on Arithmetic Statistics (Tucson, Arizona)
- (28 Feb) Speak at USC (Columbia, SC)
- (25 Feb) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar @Emory (Atlanta, GA)
- (27-31 January) AIM workshop on Arithmetic Statistics (Palo Alto, CA)
- (15-18 January) Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore, Speaking at the special session on "Tropical and Nonarchimedean Geometry" (Baltimore, MD)
- 2013
- (28-29 Nov) Thanksgiving break.
- (7-8 Dec) PANTS (Clemson, SC).
- (8-10 Nov) Commutative Algebra – Algebraic Geometry in the Southeast (USC, SC)
- (5 Nov) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar at UGA (Athens, GA)
- (18-20 Oct) Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium at UGA (Athens, GA)
- (14-15 Oct) Fall Break.
- (9-16 Oct) Speaking at the Copenhagen Number Theory Seminar (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- (11 Sep) Speaking at the Clemson Number Theory Seminar (Clemson, SC).
- (7-8 Sep) PANTS (Davidson, NC).
- (1-4 August) SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry at Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO).
- (3 June - 26 July) REU (Atlanta, GA)
- (20-24 May) Colloquium at Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC )
- (3-5 May) Atkin Memorial Lectures and workshop on the Cohen-Lenstra conjectures at University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
- (22-27 April) Colloquium and Number Theory Seminar at the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
- (16 April) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar (Atlanta, GA)
- (13-14 April) AMS special session on "Arithmetic statistics and big monodromy" (Denver, CO).
- (9-13 March) Arizona Winter School on Modular forms and Modular curves (Tucson, Arizona)
- (Jan 30-Feb 2) Scienceonline 2013, speaking about MathOverflow (Raleigh, NC)
- (Jan 9-12) Joint Mathematics Meetings; Speaking at the special sessions on "Witt Vectors" and "Geometry and Number Theory" (San Diego, CA)
- 2012
- (1-2 Dec) PANTS XIX (USC, SC).
- (8-18 Nov) Workshop: Arithmetic of abelian varieties in families, EPFL, (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- (17 Sep) Speaking at Ga Tech @ 3p (Atlanta, GA)
- (15-16 Sep) Speaking at PANTS XVIII (Wake Forest, NC).
- (21 Aug) Speaking at the Colorado State Number Theory Seminar (Ft. Collins, Colorado)
- (11 June – 27 July) REU (Emory University, GA)
- (May) Visiting Bruno Chiarellotto (Padova, Italy)
- (10 Apr) Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar (Athens, GA)
- (4-9 Apr) Speaking at the UC Irvine Number Theory Seminar on 4/5 (Irvine, CA)
- (20 March) Visitor @ Emory: Anton Geraschenko
- (10-13 Mar) Arizona Winter School (Tucson, AZ)
- (2-9 Mar) AMS Sectional + Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, and Modular Forms (Hawaii)
- (9 Feb) Speaking at the New York Joint Number Theory Seminar (CUNY)
- (25 Jan) Speaking at the Number Theory Seminar (UGA)
- (02 Feb) Visitor @ Emory: Jeremy Rouse
- (20 Jan) Visitor @ Emory: Frank Thorne
- (4-7 January) Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston Speaking at the special session on "Rational Points on Varieties" and "Arithmetic Geometry".
- 2011
- (3-4 Dec) PANTS XVII (Clemson, SC).
- (29 Nov - 1 Dec) Speaking at the Harvard Number Theory seminar on Wednesday.
- (10-16 November) Visiting Caltech, speaking at the Algebraic Geometry seminar on Monday.
- (2 November) Speaking at the Athens-Atlanta Joint Number Theory Seminar (Georgia Tech).
- (13 Oct) Speaking at the Emory Algebra and Number Theory Seminar.
- (10-11 Oct) Speaking at the University of South Carolina Number Theory Seminar on Tuesday.
- (23-25 September) AMS special session on Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves (Wake Forest Univeristy, NC).
- (10-11 September) Attending PANTS (Emory).